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  • Dating The White Navy SEAL (BWWM Interracial Romantic Comedy) Page 5

Dating The White Navy SEAL (BWWM Interracial Romantic Comedy) Read online

Page 5

  “It wasn’t White Castle,” Aaron pretended to be hurt. When he pouted it made him seem even cuter, more innocent. The combination of masculinity and the boyish charm was enough to drive any woman crazy, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. It was a soft kiss at first, worthy of the perfect first date. My hands moved to the back of his head, they moved through his hair. His hands moved down my back to my butt, my first instinct was to make him stop but I realized that he wasn’t grabbing it. He let his hands rest just above my butt and pulled me closer to him. After the kiss broke apart he finished his statement, “It was a KFC. She wanted some fried chicken and I wanted some…”

  He didn’t need to finish his statement; I knew what he wanted then and what he wanted in that moment with me. He forced the key into the hole and twisted it as our lips met again. Once we were safely inside my apartment he slowly took off my shirt and pants. When I was in just my bra and panties, he pulled away from me and took off his clothes. His body was even more chiseled than I thought that it would be. He stomach was tightened and I counted 8 abs, his pecs seemed to have been made out of clay. His boxers had an elephant on the front and the trunk stretched out in a tempting way.

  He wrapped his arms around me again, and brought me down to the floor. His tongue was in my mouth; our hands were exploring each other’s bodies. After our underwear was discarded, he used his mouth to explore my body. After he was done I returned the favor and it seemed as if the main event was never going to happen. When it did, I understood why TV shows always show scenes of fireworks and the train going into the tunnel. Both were apt analogies of what I was feeling as we rocked our way to the best feeling in the world.

  We made our way to my bedroom and the train went through the tunnel again, and the fireworks were just as explosive the second time. After we finished, I fell asleep in his arms and the last thought that I had was how wonderful it was to be in his arms. No man had ever made me feel as safe and cared about as Aaron was. I genuinely appreciated it.


  “Good morning, sexy lady…” Aaron purred in my ear. Somehow his breath didn’t smell as bad as I thought it would, and being in his arms had the same effect that it had when we had fallen asleep. He gently kissed my neck, and I thought that he was going to try for a repeat performance of the train and tunnel program. I wasn’t opposed to doing it but I wasn’t sure that we had the time to do it. “I had so much fun last night; I want you so badly right now. But I should get back to Ella’s before she sends the police looking for me.”

  “It’s funny I was just thinking the same thing. I mean I know that you have to go, I should get ready for work too, but the thought is mighty tempting isn’t it?” I flipped over and we kissed. He climbed on top of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his train pressing into me, his mouth dropped to my chest and a soft moan escaped from my throat. “What about…”

  “I know, I just wanted to give you something to think about at work today. I’ll be thinking about you all day, wishing that I could be with you.” His deep voice somehow made those words even sexier than they already were. I ran my nails down his back, stopping at his butt. It was hard and tight, perfect like the rest of him. “You temptress. I knew that there was a reason I liked you. You up for another date on Saturday night? We may have to come up with more lies but I think it’ll be worth it.”

  “I am more than up for another date with you.” For a second I wondered if he really felt the need to ask or if he was just showing that he was interested. I decided that he was showing me that he was interested, there was no way in hell he didn’t know that I was interested in him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He planted his lips on mine and I allowed myself to fall into him a little. His oversized arms held onto me, there was a comfort in knowing that he was holding me. “Obviously I can’t use the excuse of Black Yoga again.”

  It took us about two seconds to start laughing. Somehow I knew that once I went into work that Ella was going to call me out on such a blatant lie. Aaron only seemed to have one thing on his mind because he bent his head towards me and slid his tongue into my mouth. After he pulled away he smiled at me, “Clearly that golden excuse won’t work but you can think of something I know that you can. I’ll just use the old standby that I’m hanging out with the guys.”

  For a brief second I was really upset with him. I mean he had it so easy; all he had to do was say that he was hanging out with his friends, while I twisted in the wind coming up with outrageous lies that nobody in their right mind would believe. “And what about me? Should I just tell her that I’m gonna be banging her brother?”

  “You could if you wanted to. But I thought that you thought it was sexier if we kept this to ourselves for a little while. If you want I can help you come up with something. I’ll give it some thought and will text you later on,”

  “You will? That would be awesome. I’m a horrible liar, I mean who ever heard of black yoga? Man I hope that she doesn’t pull too much at that thread today.”

  “The easiest thing to do is remember to stay convinced. And technically you didn’t lie, some of the positions that you had me in and I had you in last night were definitely yoga poses.” Aaron kissed me again before he grabbed his car keys and headed out the door. “Have a good day at work. I’ll think of something for you to tell Ella on Saturday.”

  After he left, I ran to the bathroom and submerged my face in ice cold water. If I went into work looking like I did, then someone was surely to call me out on having had a wild, passionate night doing something other than yoga. When I lifted my head, I looked in the mirror and thought about the night that I had spent with Aaron and for some reason I found myself missing him. I realized that for the first time since I was a teenage girl in Detroit, I had a crush on a guy.

  A deep, hardcore crush.


  “Look who it is, my best friend who couldn’t hang out with me because she had to go to yoga, I’m sorry, Black Yoga, last night.” This was Ella’s way of greeting me. I closed my eyes and wished that she would just get over it; I mean it worked out in her favor. Eric had bought her flowers and apologized to her for being neglectful over the last few weeks. He had texted us that he should have realized that he needed to do a better job of making Ella feel loved. There was a part of me that wondered if Eric knew that Aaron was with me but the man that I had spent the night with said that there was no way in hell he would put his sister’s boyfriend in that position. How lucky was Eric? “It’s OK because Eric ended up coming over and took me to a wonderful Italian dinner. So while you were doing your Black Yoga, I was getting to eat delicious food with the world’s greatest boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, right.” Jennifer scoffed as she passed us. She shot me a nasty look and I wondered briefly if she knew what had happened with Aaron the night before. Jealousy was such an ugly trait in people, except me. My jealousy was always justified. Always. Jen sauntered away and a part of me wanted to run after her and rub it in her face that I ended up with Aaron but then I thought better of it.

  “What a bitch!” I cried, expecting Ella to be on my side. That’s what best friends are supposed to do right? No matter what they take your side and bad mouth those that are mean to you. Ella seemed to be very passive about the whole thing; it almost seemed to me as if she didn’t care. “Ella, say something about what that bitch just said to me.”

  “She was rude, but I mean come on Tam, you know why. It has nothing to do with you, she’s mad at me because I told her that I wouldn’t set her up with Aaron. Now she thinks that we both hate her and that there is a chink in our friendship. The best way to deal with it is to ignore her.” When did Ella become so wise, it was like I had stepped into the Twilight Zone or something. It was odd, and I did not like it. “So tell me about Yoga last night. What was it like? Did you have fun?”

  “It was a lot of fun, I was bent into positions that I had no idea that my body could get into,�
� Was it less creepy that I was talking about sex with her brother because she didn’t know that was what I was talking about?

  The answer to that question eluded me, so I decided to continue on. I mean if I stopped, I would have to consider the fact that I was lying to my best friend, the one person that I had never lied to before. It wasn’t right; there was something very awful about lying to someone that was so close to you. To someone who had held your hair when you were puking your guts out because you had too much to drink. “I’m actually a little sore today from everything that they had us do.”

  “Isn’t it funny how the things you do in Yoga could also be things that you do when you are having sex?” Was I busted? Ella could have gone from stalking her boyfriend to stalking me in little more than the blink of an eye. Many times over the years I had watched the transformation from one problem to another. “Eric and I were talking about that last night when he came over. I told him that I was really upset that no one seemed to want to hang out with me, and that you told me you were going to Black Yoga. Then I said that I wanted to learn some new poses and stretches so that he wouldn’t be bored with me anymore.”

  “Ella, why would you say such a thing? Eric is in love with you, I mean why else would he…” I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. Lying was so hard, I had respect for those that did it for a living, it must be hard being a politician. My mother once told me that keeping a secret was lying by omission and that wasn’t something that I ever wanted to do. “Why else would he come over to see you last night when he knew you would be so lonely? You have to stop being so insecure about your relationship.”

  “You’re right. I mean if you think about it, Eric and I are practically engaged, except for the whole him asking part. I know that he is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with and I know that he feels the same way about me. We’ve talked about getting engaged but we want the money to do it right.” Ella sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. Ella’s family had never had much money, so they didn’t understand why people put such a priority on anything but love. Eric and myself came from a very upper middle class background and had been raised to constantly strive to have more money, the more you made the better your life was. “I know that you agree with Eric but I really just don’t know why, what we have isn’t enough. I own my apartment, we both have cars, and we have money in the bank. That’s enough.”

  “Honey, he wants to make sure that when you start shooting out bambinos, that there will be enough money for you to be a stay at home mom like you want. He also wants to make sure that you can have the wedding of your dreams,” The old cliché is that little girls plan their weddings from the time that they are knee high, and for the most part that is the truth. The groom of course changes throughout the years for many of the girls, not me though. I have always wanted to marry Zach Morris aka Mark Paul Gosselear. That man was almost as gorgeous as Aaron. Not quite there but he was close. Aaron was on a level all by himself but I would never have thought that I would fall for him like I did. It was like lightening in a bottle. “Stop trying to short change yourself because you don’t think that it matters. It does. The small things always matter in the end.”

  “Did Black Yoga make you smarter or wiser or something? I mean you are talking like you are Oprah and you ain’t no Oprah. I mean if you were Oprah, who would your Steadman be? Maybe Brandon. He did ask about you, you know? Maybe you should give him a chance to make good on the connection that you had,”

  How in the world had we gone from talking about Eric and her getting married to me being Oprah and then on to Brandon, it was an illogical train of thought. “Though I don’t know if you guys had the right spark, I know that you don’t care for him. Though maybe you should give him a chance, it can’t hurt right?”

  “Brandon just isn’t my type. I’m sure that he is a great guy and all of that but he’s not my great guy. You know my type, emotionally unavailable or there has to be some sort of drama associated with them.”

  As I said the words, I wondered if that was why I was attracted to Aaron. If things were easy, if Ella approved of us, would I still want to be with him? I let my mind wander to him for a second, after the fireworks that we experienced together I was almost positive that I wanted to be with him. But of course the fuse had been Ella saying that she wasn’t comfortable with us being together. “Anyways I think that I should keep up my ban on dating for a while. I mean what if there is a great job that comes up and I have to move?”

  “No. You cannot move away from me! Who else would do the things that we do together? I think that you need to stop thinking about better jobs and all of that, focus on what’s important Tameka. And that's Me. I need you here with ME,” The sincerity in her voice made me feel guilty for suggesting that I needed more. I threw my arm around her and wished that growing up I had had a sister like her. Being an only child sucked, I had no one to blame things on when I was little. As I grew up, I also didn’t have anyone to confide in.

  “I wouldn’t be moving away from you, I would be moving towards a better life for me. But you know what, anything like that is too far away for either of us to think about right now. I mean for at least the next few months we need to focus on the clients we have and the jobs that we are doing.”

  “Woo!!” A blond girl yelled as she made her way past us. I closed my eyes and wished that Ella would drag me up to her office and we could spend the entire day in there gossiping like we always did.

  “You know who that is, don’t you?” Ella asked in a conspiratorial whisper.

  When she asked things like that, I knew that she knew I didn’t know. The only reason why I knew as much as I did was because of her and other pieces of information that I picked up here and there Otherwise I would be lost in a cloud of clients with occasional appearances from Ella, and I was OK with that.

  “It’s Leah’s friend Vicki. Apparently Vicki wants to settle down and get married. I think that maybe I should try setting her up with Aaron. She’s his type and I’m sure that he would be hers, once they met.”

  Her tight sweater and tighter pants suggested a lot about Vicki but being wife material was not among the attributes that I thought she had. If the pink sweater was any tighter her chest would have been exposed for the whole world to see. “Isn’t she a drunk? I think that I heard that she gets her drink on and then acts irresponsibly.”

  “Not as far as I know. Anyway, I am gonna do this, Vicki and Aaron are going out on a date tomorrow night!” Great, little miss show my boobs was going out on a date with my man. What could go wrong?

  The fact she is a drunk could actually work in my favor


  “I couldn’t stay away from you,” Aaron said as he pulled me into a kiss.

  He had just knocked on my door and when I saw it was him, my heart skipped a beat. Forgetting that Ella was setting him up with some other girl for a minute, I allowed myself to rejoice in the fact that he had come over to see me. “I can’t stay long because Ella is cooking dinner because mom and dad are coming over. I was surprised that she didn’t invite you but then I thought that it worked because I could sneak away and see you.”

  “I’m so happy that you did!” I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. We stumbled into the apartment and before the door was closed all of the way, we were shedding our clothes. His hands explored my body as my head went back and I enjoyed the attention. His fingers were nimble and seemed programmed to know exactly what I wanted and when I wanted it.

  His mouth followed his fingers, where they went, his lips touched and sucked upon. The effect was dizzying, every part of my body was crying out for him to take me but the only sounds that were coming from my lips were loud moans of pleasure. I didn’t even try to talk, I figured that he knew what he was going and that was enough for me. It also seemed to be enough for him because he was ready, willing and able to complete the mission.

  Soon he was soldiering towards our in
evitable conclusion. It was a fast and steady march this time, his lips brushed across my neck as he picked up speed. The breath was leaving my body, the pleasure that we both felt filled my apartment.

  Soon his gun was firing and it felt as if a bomb had been set off inside of my body. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him when he was finished. Once again I was surprised by how nice it felt to be in his arms, to be lying next to him. It was easy to forget everything that we had going on when we had just done what we had done. Finally he broke the silence, “So I have a date tomorrow night. I really don’t want to go but Ella set it up and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “What?” I hoped that surprise registered in my voice, I didn’t want him to know that I was well aware of what his sister had done. If he knew that I knew, then he would ask why I didn’t try to stop Ella.

  “Please don’t be worried about this. I like you; I’m only going because I can’t get out of it.” He pulled me on top of him and gave me another kiss. His tongue poked into my mouth, and he pressed my body closer to his. “You have to know that I would do anything to get out of this but Ella is insistent.”

  “I mean don’t worry about it go. We’re not serious,” The hurt in his eyes made me sad. My goal had been to make him feel better about going, not to make him sad. I closed my eyes and wished that I hadn’t said anything. “We’re just being casual with each other right?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” He flipped me over and pulled up his boxers, followed quickly by his jeans. It took everything in my power to not run over to him and tell him that I didn’t mean what I was saying. After his shirt was on, he patted his pocket for his wallet and keys. Before I could say anything to him, in a cold voice he shot. “Guess I’ll see you around.”